Autotalo Lohja Oy.

A full service car dealership.

Autotalo Lohja Oy is a father and son family owned business founded by Jorma and Juhani Mattinen. The company was founded in 2011 and started from a business deal with Lohjan Autola. Lohjan Autola was a family owned Volkswagen and Seat retailer that started in 1988.

The idea for a father-son entrepreneurship came from Jorma’s old supervisor at his time working at Konekesko. In 2011 the supervisor worked in a company that imported Volkswagens to Finland. He had a strong recollection that Jorma’s son had a strong interest in cars starting from a young age. Juhani had great enthusiasm since he was a little kid, but the only real experience he had was a summer job working at the Volkswagen dealership in Turku.

At the start the company had 33 employees and 13 million in annual sales. Over the last decade the company has grown to 60 employees and sales in the year 2021 were over 40 million euros. The company now has nearly 800 years of combined experience working in the car industry.

The most significant change for the company took place in 2015, when brand new premises were built in Lohja. The new premises were designed to fill every need of a full-service car dealership. The premises were extremely functional and modern. In 2018 the company acquired a car wash business at the Lohja location. In 2020 BN Bilservice and Autotalo Lohja made a business deal acquiring the repair shop business in Tammisaari. With this deal Ekenäs Bilhus became a “full service car dealership”. Autotalo Lohja has been the most grown private Volkswagen retailer in Finland over the past decade by far.

Entrepreneur, Juhani Mattinen, M.Sc. (Econ and Bus Admin) 38, works as the company’s CEO and Jorma, M.Sc. (Agric.) 72, has moved to the background as the chairman of the company’s board. Behind the company’s steady growth are entrepreneurial spirit, family-like working environment and a genuine desire to serve customers. Juhani also serves as the chairman of the Finnish Volkswagen Passenger Car Committee and is a member of the European Association of VW/Audi dealers.

The crew in charge of Ekenäs Bilhus and BN Bilservice's long-time entrepreneur Bertel Niemi
The crew in charge of Ekenäs Bilhus, Johnny Henriksson, Tommy Ljunggren, Juhani Mattinen, Kurre Ahllund and BN Bilservice’s long-time entrepreneur Bertel Niemi

Admiring the new Golf together with a customer

Timo Tuomi of Nups and Juhani Mattinen in Nummela’s new Certos-hall. Autotalo Lohja is involved in supporting the hobby of a 1000 football players from Nups.

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